This Is Where The Fun Begins - Adepticon Ready (?)

Yeah, that’s what I said mate

25th March 2025


5 mins

G'day everyone!

I'm now officially on my way from Halifax, Canada, to Milwaukee, USA, for AdeptiCon 2025 and the Star Wars Armada World Championship!

I'm super pumped for all the gaming that'll be happening almost non-stop over the long weekend, starting this Thursday 27th through to Sunday 30th March! Games everywhere: in the main hall, in the hallways, in the skywalks, in hotel lobbies, in bars, in the streets & in the sheets! - My body is ready!!

Am I ready for Worlds though…?  

First, a bit of background: This is only my second time at AdeptiCon and will be my first where I'm actually playing in the World Championship itself. Last year, I did have a Worlds invitation, but I had unfortunately won it after the date cutoff leading into Worlds. So, I had a crack at the Last Chance Qualifier (LCQ), from which only the top 4 advanced into Worlds Day 1. I didn't quite make it, but a lot of fun was had with my Imperial Ozzel MSU squadron heavy fleet that I'd been playing for about 6 months prior. That said, overall I achieved my 2024 Armada goal of getting to AdeptiCon and playing Armada with people from all over the World. I just didn't quite reach the stretch goal of making it through to the next stage. The upside of that though, is that I had a few days to fully explore the Con, trying out a heap of different other awesome miniatures games, chatting to hobby legends and checking out all the stores! (A quick summary of those shenanigans and related pics in my previous post here)

Ozzie and his mates, just chilling in the space worm infested asteroid fields circa March 2024 (colourised)

When I got back, I thought it was time to pick a faction and fleet archetype and then practice it until I knew it back to front and tweak it until it was as optimised as I wanted it. So, I thought I'd go with a faction I'd hardly played - Separatists! Which is why I did the fancy paint job and kept throwing them on the table as much as possible with swarms of squadrons to accompany them. So, in that regard - yes, I'm ready to play them, plus another slightly different iteration without the bulk squadrons. 

However, the January points changes threw a bit of a spanner in the works, but the update was mostly positive, plus it appeared to really give the Separatist faction a decent boost to boot! It also balanced out some other ships, squadrons and upgrades to make a bunch of other really fun options viable, including a refresh of my Imperial Ozzel MSU. So the part I'm not fully ready for is exactly what fleet I want to roll into Worlds Day 1 with. I've at least narrowed it down to three:

  • Separatist Mar Tuuk squadron heavy LMSU 

  • Separatist Mar Tuuk squadless 3 ship

  • Imperial Ozzel MSU mid-squadrons

I'll likely give the 3-Ship a runout for the prep tourney on Thursday to see how it goes, then I'll make a call on which one to take into Worlds Day 1. 

For this week, I'll just be happy to be playing in a couple of Armada tournaments at AdeptiCon, but my goal is definitely to win at least ¾ games and the stretch goal - the dream - is to make the cut for Armada Worlds Day 2. Somehow making it through the gauntlet of Raddus drops, Ackbar conga lines and Agate beef… If that happens… well, I’ll just wing it from there I reckon.

Red fish / Blue fish

And if I don't make day 2? Well, there's certainly more than enough things to keep me busy, like the Armada team tourney, playing some Star Wars Unlimited TCG or  checking out all the other games on show around the venue, just to name a few. I think I'll be alright =)

Top 4 meta prediction?

Man, I'm even more excited now! Bring it on! 



Guess I’ll camp here until it opens. Someone bring me coffee and doughnuts pls

PS. I’ve now arrived and checked into my hotel close-by. I also found a decent coffee shop - a staple for any self-respecting Australian. See you all soon!


How to AdeptiCon: A Padawan’s Guide