Barry’s Caravan of Garbage Pt2 - Merry Critmas

25th December 2024


6 mins

For the last games of the month we end up doing something besides standard play, sometimes it’s Aces High, other times it’s the AMG scenarios just for something different. In the spirit of the holidays, Chiew has decided on celebrating Critmas - a format he assures us isn’t completely broken. For this the

Ops Brief


  • Factions: Scum (me) vs. Scum (Tim)

  • Location & Objective: Deep Space - Critmas Dogfight

  • Ruleset: AMG/Custom Chance Encounter

    • All shields are converted to hull.

    • All damage cards are dealt face-up.

    • Defence dice cannot be modified.

Order of Battle (ORBAT):

  • Me – Leema Kai/Arliz/zBossk/N’Dru /Doctor Aphra/Lapin (View in YASB)

  • Travis – Fenn Rau/zBossk/N’Dru/Doctor Aphra/Sunny Bounder (View in YASB)


This is as close to a mirror match as one could hope for with garbage - though seeing Fenn Rau across the table makes me weep as he can easily drop anything in this format with crits compounding readily. The only opportunity for points in this format is to take the enemy on and see what’s what.

Start of Round 1.

After Action Report

Sunny Bounder got an early Critmas present.

Round 1: Sunny Bounder is out the gate and moving up fast hoping to get in and get that proton rocket off. Unfortunately he’s just in range and obstructed of Aphra who uncharacteriscally rolls all hits.

Sunny’s defence is less impressive and he limps away after suffering three critical damage though he limps away on 1 hull.

Meanwhile the Y-Wings and N’Dru are staring down Fenn Rau with a very appropriate amount of angst though no damage done.

Score: 1-0

Kicking off Round 2 with a bang!

Really? Again?

Round 2: I deploy Bossk with a K-Turn setting him up behind Tim’s Aphra (mislabeled as Latts). The Y-Wings have disengaged leaving N’Dru to face off against Fenn Rau at close range.

It doesn’t go well with a cascade of damage dropping the Z95 long before it could get off a shot at all.

Following that up though Leema Kai manages to get some hits on Fenn Rau with his dorsal turret, sneaking half points out of him. Arliz manages to get cluster missiles off and takes out Sunny Bounder and gets a mighty hit into Tim’s Aphra. Bossk and Aphra follow up taking half points from “Shadow” Aphra.

Of course being stuck at range 1 meant that my Aphra was bound to take some damage in turn, but lucks out with just 2 crits but nothing world ending. The pair of Z-95’s manage to sneak some hits into Leema Kai but it’s not enough to catch up to those half points.

Score: 9-3

Start of Round 3.

Round 3: Seismics! Sure fratricide is a thing but I’m gambling on it hurting him more than me. There’s only one obstacle in range so for ease of placement we just move the token onto it as we move out of system phase to aid movement.

Round 3: Feeling less confident.

Aphra stops to free up space for Bossk, whereas Shadow-Aphra is less forgiving and blocks Arliz in place with Fenn falling in place behind. Was good knowing you buddy.

Somehow Fenn doesn’t finish off Arliz, though he does give up half points. In turn however Leema Kai does manage to finish off Fenn Rau.

End of round 3 and the board is looking a bit trim.

Between Bossk, Arliz and Aphra they manage to drop Shadow-Aphra. The opposing Z-95’s split fire and Arliz manages to scrape through though isn’t looking healthy at all - and between a damaged engine and weapons failure he’s no longer really of any use but also cannot easily disengage.

Score: 15 - 5

Round 4: Lapin slams and triggers Marg Sabl Closure on Shadow N’Dru whilst both Bossks face each other though I still haven’t managed to shed the stress from Bossk’s deployment. Arliz manages to sneak a K-Turn narrowly avoiding Aphra.

Shadow N’Dru engages Arliz getting a Panicked Pilot crit on him, so now he’s triple stressed. Aphra takes a pot shot at Shadow N’Dru which kills him and triggers Deadman’s switch inflicting extra damage around the board.

Round 4 got real.

Shadow Bossk shoots at Arliz which kills him finally - he’s honestly stuck around far longer than anyone ever would have anticipated in this format.

Score: 18 - 8

End round 5 and start of 6.

Round 5: Aphra has to leg it in the hopes of avoiding conceding points, hoping that the rest of the squad can finish it up. Bossk conducts a blue move to clear stress whilst both Lapin and Leem Kai turn.

The only shots are from Leema Kai into Shadow Bossk which gets a panicked pilot critical. Aphra luckily escapes consequences.

Score: 19 - 8

Round 6: Aphra conducts a hard turn and triggers Ablative Plating to avoid the consequences of the rock. Lapin hard turns, Bossk K-Turns and Leema Kai turns to chase down the imposter Bossk who is stressed out of it’s mind. He’s finally finished off and Tim has now completely exhausted his entire damage deck with the final damage applied.

Final score: 20-8

Round 6.


That was an incredibly quick game courtesy of the compounding crits from double damage or fuel leaks. Tim lamented not having Hounds Tooth title - which has to be onte of the first times that has ever happened.

It’s hard to say what works best in this format - high agility sounds great until you blank out and don’t have enough hull to take the hits. So running the garbage with a bit of everything was probably the right move. CanCon rapidly approaches and I should probably get a move on with practicing my actual list. Will get around to that at some time I’m sure.

Merry Christmas,

- Barry


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